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London, Manchester, Coventry



Listed here is the locations where the Training Provider can provide apprenticeship training. All apprenticeship standards are not necessarily offered in each location.

Type of provider

National Provider


Type of training provider

There are four types of training provider:

A National Provider is a training provider that is able to offer apprenticeship training in any location across England. Some national providers might also offer training in the devolved nations, i.e. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

An FE college is a state-funded provider that can offer a broad range of training options in a particular location to a range of employers.

A Specialist Provider is a training provider that is not state-funded and tends to offer training in specialist sectors or locations.

Universities offer training for Degree Apprenticeships or Higher Apprenticeships, sometimes running specialist courses for apprentices on a particular standard.

Homeserve Membership has been established over 25 years and currently has around 1000 engineers in the plumbing and heating sector. The Training Academy based in Nottingham was purpose built in 2017 to provide in house accredited courses to our engineer and now we are progressing to apprenticeships.

Our diverse team of trainer/assessors have extensive knowledge and each have over 10 years experience in the industry. They all either hold or are currently working towards level 5 teaching qualifications.

We strive to give apprentices the best possible behavioural and technical skills that will ensure a great start to their future careers in the industry and to provide you with conscientious and skilled engineers.

Apprenticeship Standards offered:


Apprenticeship Standards offered

Apprenticeship standards detail what an apprentice will be doing in their day-to-day job role.

Each standard lists the skills required of apprentices, and every standard is written by a group of employers called trailblazers—experts within their industry that have worked with countless apprentices.

Listed here are the apprenticeship standards this training provider offers training for.




Gas Engineering Operative Standard 3
Learning and skills assessor Standard 3

Originally published on Gov.uk, this information has been re-used under the terms of the Open Government Licence.

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This is a basic profile, not yet completed by the training provider.

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Tell your story. Bring your training to life.

Welcome to the ‘Our Training’ tab. This is where a training provider with a full profile can showcase their quality, their experience, their unique approach to training and demonstrate what they have to offer apprenticeship employers.

Combined with an engaging video, this is an unrivalled opportunity to engage with potential clients beyond the functional information that is included on the Profile tab.

This is where you can capture an employer’s imagination and help them get a better understanding of what it will be like to work with you. It’s an opportunity to explain your approach to customer service, to show off your training facilities, or to introduce them to your team of expert trainers.

If you’re reading this as an employer, we’d recommend checking out a full profile to see what our current partners have to offer you.

If you’re a training provider and you’d like to enhance your profile with these fantastic features, simply claim your profile and upgrade to a full profile now.

This is a premium feature, not yet completed by the training provider.

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The School Leaver Awards

The School Leaver Awards celebrate the top employers and training providers for school and college leavers on apprenticeship programmes.

Apprentices complete feedback surveys, rating each element of their training with a score out of 100. There are four questions asked about training providers:

  • How would you rate the teaching provided by your training provider?
  • How satisfied are you with the quality of assessment and feedback provided by your training provider?
  • How would you rate your overall learning experience, including the facilities, resources and classroom environment?
  • How satisfied are you with the support you have been given by your training provider, outside of your training, i.e. personal development and welfare?

The score is the mean average of all the responses for that specific training provider. The average is the mean average score of all training providers. The position is where the training provider ranks compared with other training providers who took part.




Category breakdown Score Industry average
Teaching XX XX
Assessment & feedback XX XX
Learning experience XX XX
Personal support XX XX

Add the School Leaver Awards you’ve won:


Awards won

This lists the awards the training provider has won at The School Leaver Awards. This indicates that they are market leaders in the particular category.

Highlight your quality
Show you are a market leader
Enhance your reputation
Reassure potential clients

Add connected employers:


Connected employers

This shows the employers who work with the training providers, and how they performed in The School Leaver Awards. This is not necessarily a complete list, and will only show employers who were involved in The School Leaver Awards.

Employer Employer Score Employer Ranking
Example Employer 1 XX XXth
Example Employer 2 XX XXth
Example Employer 3 XX XXth

Add learner reviews:


What the learners said

Apprentices are asked for written feedback on their training provider as part of the survey they complete for The School Leaver Awards. Listed here is a selection of feedback.

When you take part in the School Leaver Awards, your learners are asked to review their experiences of completing the off-the-job training with you as their training provider. Through this process, we gather really insightful feedback and testimonials for you.

You can feature these reviews on your profile to help employers better understand the quality of the training you can offer, the support you offer to learners and how that has helped them thrive in their apprenticeship. Upgrade to add these to your profile.

This is a premium feature, not yet completed by the training provider.

Featured training providers

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Type of provider

National provider, Specialist provider

Featured provider



Type of provider

National provider, Specialist provider

Featured provider



Type of provider

National provider

Featured provider


Birmingham, Bristol, Guildford, Leeds, London, Manchester, Nationwide, Nottingham, Online

Type of provider
